Become The Next Heir

We are building the largest database of people and institutions that make and receive bequests. Designed for those who don’t have anyone to whom they can leave their assets.

$114.00 for next donation on 06/03/2024

$3,243.86 donated


We let people decide who deserve next donation! Vote for the one who most needs!

One time free registration for a lifetime membership to become the next heir. Anyone who believe your story is a worthy cause can vote for you as the benefactor of wills or direct donations.


Leave your assets to many people, institutions or causes. Help by donating assets or money.

Nextheir is the first solution of its kind, that allows someone to leave assets to thousands of people at once. We provide a safe platform so you can select your next heir with confidence.







How it Works ?

We are the first Bequest Platform, that allows anyone to help thousands of real people in poverty, schools in need, institutions and campaigns, around the world


Individual and lifetime free registration. Minimum information required.


Individuals and institutions can share their needs, missions and collect funds from donations or bequest from many sources.


We provide will and trust services to include Nextheir in any amount you see fit, or you can make a direct donation.


3 ways to get help: Direct Donations - Global Donations - Nextheir Donations to most voted Stories. Any registered user can be the next benefactor!.


Our Featured Story

Elton John leaves kids only part of his will

Elton John will only leave his children part of his inheritance, a small part of it in money from his fortune of 200 million pounds, the rest will be donated to institutions. This to instill in Zachary and Elijah a financial education.

Barron Hilton

Barron Hilton, the owner of the hotel chain, donated 95% of his assets. Approximately 4,500 million dollars. To the Conrad Hilton Foundation. Only 3% left it to his heirs. Those who did not inherit anything, were Paris Hilton and her sister Nicky, due to their numerous scandals, of which Barron was always ashamed.

Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, will leave their immense fortune to their foundation, by Chan Zuckerberg

The CEO of Facebook is one of the richest men in the world, and since the birth of his daughter Max, the result of his marriage to the engineer Priscilla Chan, many considered that the girl was born in a golden cradle. Nothing further, because both the founder of Facebook and his wife announced that they were not going to leave their vast fortune to the little girl or any of her future children. Both confirmed that they would donate 99% of their shares, valued at 45 billion dollars, to their foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which works to promote equality among children around the world. This is what Zuckerberg himself wrote in a letter to his daughter, which he shared through Facebook.

Daniel Craig: After his death, the actor will leave nothing of his fortune to his children

In a recent interview with the English magazine Candis, the 53-year-old star has ensured that her children will not receive anything from her after her death. A non-negotiable desire for the interpreter of James Bond, who explained that he wanted to distribute his fortune before dying.

Latest Stories

Tengo 51 años de edad venezolana y 20 años de servicio como empleado público y no tengo nada, el sueldo es de 6$ mensuales que no alcanza para nada. Quisiera un apoyo para emprender me como estampadora de franela y todo lo que se refiere a publicidad. Solo pido apoyo para trabajar y mejorar mi calidad de vida por favor.

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ID: 30362 - Venezuela

No tengo casa propia pago arriendo y ahora sin trabajo estoy atrasada en el arriendo esto es muy difícil pagar arriendo y más cuando estas sin trabajo



ID: 30361 - Colombia

Hola, vivo en República Dominicana, tengo tres niños, en realidad mi situación económica es precaria, estoy estudiando para ver si cambia, pero con lo que gano es.muy difícil, además tengo un niño especial que necesita más ayuda para que pueda salí adelante, aquí en mi país para conseguir un buen salario tiene que ser con contacto de persona pudiente y yo no tengo ninguno, porque elegí esta página porque veo que ayudan a muchas personas, tengo muchos años trabajando y no siento que he avanzado y me apena mucho saber cuanto me he forzado trabajo pero sigo en las masma situación económica, solo pido una ayuda para poder seguir mi estudio y de el poder conseguir un mejor trabajo y así poder ayudar a mi hijos. Gracias

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ID: 30359 - Dominica

Buen día, tengo 59 años, no encuentro ningún tipo de trabajo, mis hijos nos ayudan a mi esposa y a mi, pero hay días que no tenemos ni para un pan, ayúdenos porfa



ID: 30358 - Ecuador

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Nextheir News Update


Congratulations to our 3r...

User 4149 Reinaldo designated heir.

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Hi heirs! Info about next benefactor 🍀

Meet Cristian from Colomb...

Cristian was selected to be our second beneficiary, he had a complete profile and we are happy to he...

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Congratulations to our second recipient! The program is growing and thanks to that we can help other...

Meet Luis from Venezuela,...

Luis was our first beneficiary in the Nextheir donation program, thank you Luis for trusting us and...

We’ve got our first benef...

Congratulations to our first beneficiary and we are so happy to help in every way possible.