
Institution Detail: Iglesia de Cristo



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Iglesia de Cristo

ID: 17143

Entity Type: non-profit

Full Address: Avenida 9 de Abril, numero 44, Sagua la Grande, Villa Clara

Country: Cuba

Phone: 53+ 59359376

Economic Status: 3

Number of People Involved, Employees: 13

Mission: Our mission or task, brothers, is to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to everyone, take the word of God to the whole world and help the needy in the community, helping them in their needs and deficiencies, especially children, elderly, helpless, sick, in short, everyone in need, thus imitating the example of our Lord Jesus Christ when he was here on earth, therefore our mission is summed up in serving others helping others as Christ did

Our congregation was established in 2010 when a group of people received the word of God, the gospel of Christ, we repented and were baptized, giving rise to this congregation of the Church of Christ with the aim of preaching the word of God to all person in obedience to the mandate of Jesus Christ and help those in need as God commands in his word "In everything I have taught you that, working like this, you should help those in need, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, who said: More blessed It's giving than receiving." Acts 20:35, and our problem is that we do not have our own place to perform the worship service to God and to be able to prepare food to share with people in need, as well as activities for children, since we have been in three places and we have had to withdraw at the request of the owners, for different reasons and the one we are occupying now belongs to a friend of ours who lent it for a while but it is also in a critical construction state, mainly on the roof, so we need 7000.00 dollars for the purchase of a local own and with conditions, the state demands as a requirement that the congregation have its own place to meet and carry out the activities, otherwise they do not authorize the existence of the congregation Más información sobre este texto de origen Para obtener más información sobre la traducción, se necesita el texto de origen Enviar comentarios Paneles laterales Nuestra congregacion se establecio en el año 2010 cuando un grupo de personas recibimos la palabra de Dios, el evangelio de Cristo, nos arrepentimos y nos bautizamos dando origen a esta congregacion de la Iglesia de Cristo con el objetivo de predicar la palabra de Dios a toda persona en obediencia al mandato de Jesucristo y ayudar a los necesitados conforme lo ordena Dios en su palabra "En todo os he enseñado que, trabajando así, se debe ayudar a los necesitados, y recordar las palabras del Señor Jesús, que dijo: Más bienaventurado es dar que recibir." Hechos 20:35, y nuestro problema es que no tenemos local propio para realizar el servicio de adoracion a Dios y poder elaborar alimentos parta compartir con las personas necesitadas, asi como actividades para los niños, pues hemos estado en tres lugares y nos hemos tenido que retirar a solicitud de los propietarios, por diferentes razones y el que estamos ocupando ahora es de una amistad nuestra que lo presto por usn tiempo pero ademas esta en estado constructivo critico principalmente en techo por lo que necesitamos 7000.00 dolares para la compra de un local propio y con condiciones, el estado exige como requisito que la congregacion tenga un lugar propio para reunirse y relizar las actividades, de otra manera no autorizan la existencia dela congregacion

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