
Institution Detail: Feed the Hungry Latin America



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Feed the Hungry Latin America

ID: 24019

Entity Type: non-profit

Full Address: Calle Huayuccari 276, Urb. 27 de Abril

Country: Peru

Phone: +51 916199905

Economic Status: 2

Number of People Involved, Employees: 10

Mission: Our mission is to combat hunger and food insecurity in Latin America by providing nutritious meals, implementing sustainable solutions, and empowering communities. We strive to create lasting change and ensure that no one goes hungry in the regions we serve. Through collaboration, education, and the support of our dedicated team and partners, we aim to build a hunger-free future where everyone has access to adequate and nutritious food.

Our story began with a deep concern for the widespread issue of hunger in Latin America. Witnessing the devastating impact it had on individuals and communities, we knew we had to take action. Our mission is to provide immediate relief through nutritious meals, while also focusing on sustainable solutions such as education, farming practices, and income generation. However, we cannot do it alone. We need your support to expand our reach, create lasting change, and ensure that no one in Latin America goes hungry. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.

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