
Institution Detail: DANIEL HERNANDEZ



Help By Voting Heir


ID: 24149

Entity Type: non-profit

Full Address:

Country: Ecuador

Phone: 0992045476

Economic Status: 3

Number of People Involved, Employees: 5

Mission: Our Mission is to contribute to the emotional and psychological development of Ecuadorians, so that it is reflected in a safe, reliable and productive society, with resources and tools that allow them to develop their potential and improve their quality of life.

We extend a greeting from Hands&Hearts foundation for Ecuador. In Ecuador, the situation is extremely alarming, there is a generalized sense of fear, the collective feeling is alert and uncertain, violence in the streets has managed to have a number of ways to express itself: assassination, kidnappings, murders, assaults on passers-by and commercial premises, rapes, etc., all this at a social level, but with a great impact on the family nucleus which produces an increase in mental health diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders. Hands & Hearts for Ecuador aims to contribute with specialized treatments at no cost, to restore mental health affected by the social crisis. The contribution of society, companies and organizations is required to keep this operation together and contribute to an emotionally stable, productive and peaceful Ecuador. The cases that have been presented the most are childhood depression, crisis, anxiety and panic attacks, phobias, trauma, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit, hyperactivity and psychosocial risks (abandonment, sexual abuse, addictions, maltreatment, violence, low schooling, precarious family ties, unsatisfied basic needs, etc.), among others. Hands&Hearts for Ecuador Foundation is a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt public charity based in the U.S. Its purpose is to improve mental health services in Ecuador, it works closely with Conexion Vital Foundation that operates in the city of Guayaquil and to whom it provides financial support for mental health treatments, campaigns and projects. Donations made by U.S. taxpayers are tax deductible (EIN: 87-2699753). The reason for this menssage is to appeal to your sensitivity and request a donation of 4 GP8e Dual Channel (s)EMG Biofeedback System equipment with software for Windows with 7, 8 or 10 interface that includes the PC and the respective USB cable. With this donation we want to help our friend Conexion Vital Foundation, which already has two equipment, to expand and sustain their operation and thus be able to provide more people with the benefits that the use of this extraordinary tool provides us.

No Needs/offers Found

No Needs/offers Found
