
Institution Detail: Manufacturas Cadugi



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Manufacturas Cadugi

ID: 24401

Entity Type: business

Full Address: Calla 18 96b 48

Country: Colombia

Phone: +57 3134249112

Economic Status: 4

Number of People Involved, Employees: 15

Mission: We are a textile company that generates job opportunities for women heads of households, and disabled personnel, we have generated good quality employment for more than 10 years, but unfortunately we do not have the support of the National bank, much less the state, our business project is the generation of garments, with recycled material, but with the current government we are in a financial crisis to the point of thinking about having to close our company, and leave the staff

We need economic resources to be able to function, working capital, and investment capital, the idea is to be able to replace machinery and implement new technologies that can make us more efficient, our products are t-shirts, polo shirts, jackets, pajamas and other knitted fabrics. we can meet the needs of many companies endowments. I believe that the economic situation of our Colombia is not unknown, after August 7, 2022 when a leftist government entered and without knowledge of the country, from that moment our economy is so terrible, that is why I am requiring significant help

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