
Institution Detail: La Tierra se Calienta, A.C



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La Tierra se Calienta, A.C

ID: 25433

Entity Type: non-profit

Full Address: El Hatillo, Caracas

Country: Venezuela

Phone: +584127273398

Economic Status: 0

Number of People Involved, Employees: 5

Mission: Using the approaches or precepts of environmental education, we do research, design, develop projects and participatory campaigns to raise awareness among citizens of the importance and need to respect and protect ecosystems, their flora and fauna as a way of maintaining the balance required for their conservation. and in this way mitigate the effects of climate change.

We are a non-profit civil association, founded on November 19, 2010, by a group of young people committed to raising awareness about the importance of preserving the environment and addressing the challenges of climate change. We focus on educational actions to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the fauna, flora and ecosystems of Venezuela.

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