
Institution Detail: sueños reales



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sueños reales

ID: 26210

Entity Type: non-profit

Full Address: honduras FM. carretera al sur km 4

Country: Honduras

Phone: 32997965

Economic Status: 0

Number of People Involved, Employees: 2

Mission: ayudar a la poblaciòn Hondureña vulnerable que no cuenta con Saneamiento básico.

For a long time I have seen that the Honduran population does not have basic sanitation services, which is why I decided to help them by creating a foundation where money reaches the people who need it. In many of the communities, the population does not have water gutters, which They cause puddles, they produce mosquitoes and then diseases. We also noticed that they do not have any serviceable service, but rather that they have latrines, holes made in the ground where the esses are deposited there, and they also have a bad smell, and in the same way, certain diseases. We have not proposed to help these 5 families that we have selected. first of all and then help many more that is why today I am asking for your help to be able to change the lives of these families.

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