fundacion Isaias 61
ID: 7802
Entity Type: non-profit
Dirección completa: flor de bastion bloque 4 manzana 679
Países: Ecuador
Teléfono: +593996194775
Situación Económica: 0
Cantidad de personas involucradas / empleados: 16
Misión: Somos una ORGANIZACIÓN enfocada en Proponer y ejecutar programas y servicios diseccionados para la inclusión económica y social, con énfasis en los grupos de atención prioritaria: NIÑAS, NIÑOS, ADOLESCENTES, JÓVENES, ADULTOS, ADULTOS MAYORES. PERSONAS CON DISCAPACIDAD: así como la población que se encuentra en situación de pobreza y vulnerabilidad, promoviendo el desarrollo y cuidado durante el ciclo de vida, la movilidad social ascendente, con énfasis en aquella población que se encuentra en situación de exclusión, discriminación, pobreza y vulnerabilidad; promoviendo, asegurando, protegiendo y apoyando la restitución del ejercicio pleno de sus derechos en todo su ciclo de vida, teniendo a Jesús como modelo y actor principal
the "community school" project seeks to make visible the problem of school dropouts in Ecuador. With the impact of the pandemic, it is estimated that there are one million children and adolescents at risk of losing their connection to school: this campaign, promoted by the Isaías 61 Foundation, arises as a response to this reality. The initiative seeks to give greater visibility to this problem, raise awareness of the need to work for the common good -without partisan colors- and, at the same time, highlight and promote the different initiatives that are being carried out to reverse this scenario. “A disengaged and abandoned student not only loses learning, socialization, friendships and a space for support and growth, but by not attending school they increase the risk of suffering and being involved in violence, addictions, adolescent pregnancy. and other problems that directly impact your rights, your future. With this project we want to provide these classes to children in a state of poverty, who have a low performance, under the modality of "school reinforcement" which will be provided 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), due to the social situation before mentioned, since the mothers of the children did not manage to finish primary school, which creates difficulties in teaching homework in their respective homes . the children's mothers are forced to seek employment, so the children do not have adequate academic control. With the money requested by the Pollination Project, we will be able to rent a place together with a group of volunteer teachers, buy didactic material, to strengthen the teaching of children, courses will also be provided for work purposes for adults in a state of unemployment (screen printing, art and painting, bakery among others), this will take place on Saturdays.