
Help this heir: Carmen



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ID: 15701

Country: Ecuador

Economic Status: 2

Actual Job: Teacher

Studies: Mathematics

I am a Cuban, resident in Ecuador. I emigrated from Cuba due to the difficult economic and political situation that Cuba is currently experiencing. I have a job in Ecuador, in a private institution, where the salary I receive is not enough to bring the family to Ecuador and be able to support part of their expenses. My mother is 80 years old and she is sick. In Cuba the conditions of the hospitals are precarious, there are no medicines, food is very scarce and difficult to obtain. His retirement is barely 15 dollars. He lives with my sister and her family whose income does not exceed 50 dollars between all of them, so my greatest wish is to bring them to Ecuador, to be able to offer them a better life. I also want to form a non-profit educational institution, through cheap tuition fees, to give study opportunities to people from communities that are usually excluded.

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