Miguel Angel
ID: 15971
Países: Colombia
Situación Económica: 3
Trabajo Actual: Tattoo Artist
Estudios: University
I'm a Tattoo artist with over 30 years of experience. I have lost my family and almost my bussines, tattoo shop. Every day in the shop is like being locked, it just produce enough for surviving and I feel that I'm wasting my time and talents. I was in USA working as tattoo artist, it was the best artistic experience I have ever had, my last trip there was in 2015 and got my visa cancelled after that. When I arrive my country I lost my family and my world was a nightmare. Nowadays I'm just spending my days in the shop only selling things and I would like to live again that awesome experience of being working in a good tattoo shop in USA. For reaching that goal I need help, if anybody wants to donate me it would be highly appreciated, or if a tattoo shop owner read this and wants to help me go there and be part of His/her team I would be even more fantastic. I just want to work, i just want an opportunity to demostrate my talent, and stop wasting my life here. Any help would be appreciated.