
Help this heir: Franco



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ID: 19658

Country: Venezuela

Economic Status: 0

Actual Job: National

Studies: Ingeniero

En español: Mi familia y yo, con el problema politico / social de Venezuela, practicamente huimos del pais, pensando que en Perú nos iba a ir mejor. Lamentablemente la xenofobia en este pais no nos ha permitido progresar, por lo menos a nosotros no nos ha ido bien, nos hemos endeudado y simplemte queremos regresar a nuestro pais. El mayor problema es que nos sentimos presos, las deudas nos agobian y no nos podemos regresar. Necesitamos ayuda. El monto para pagar las deudas y regresar a casa ronda los 15 mil dolares In english: My family and I, with the political / social problem in Venezuela, practically fled the country, thinking that in Peru we were going to do better. Unfortunately xenophobia in this country has not allowed us to progress, at least it has not gone well for us, we have gotten into debt and we simply want to return to our country. The biggest problem is that we feel imprisoned, debts weigh us down and we can't go back. We need help. The amount to pay the debts and return home is around 15 thousand dollars

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