
Help this heir: David Rodolfo



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David Rodolfo

ID: 20290

Country: Bolivia

Economic Status: 1

Actual Job: Unemployed

Studies: Bachiller

My name is David Rodolfo Bidopia Figueredo I am 27 years old and I was born in Cuba. Just 4 months ago I arrived in Bolivia with my wife to live here because it was the only country where we could go with the help of our family. We have been trying to get ahead and it has been difficult but the problem is that just when I was already working delivery man and beginning to generate good income I had an accident in which I fractured my clavicle. The motorcycle on which I was rented and supposedly had insurance but it was a lie and I had to bear all the expenses with money that I did not have because it required an operation I am in debt and disabled for at least 3 months my wife is sick with salpingitis Chronicle and she is the one who is in charge of all the housework and taking care of me, she does not know that I am asking for help because she is a heroine who does not complain about anything, she just walks ahead, but the rent must be paid soon and we need money, thanks. everyone and I hope it's not too much of a problem.

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