
Help this heir: JORGE



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ID: 20371

Country: Portugal

Economic Status: 2

Actual Job: Impomasonry assistant


Hello my name is Jorge of Cuban nationality but I currently reside in Portugal. The reason I am asking for help to raise funds is that I have always had a dream of carrying out a project to raise laying hens and broiler chickens. Which was difficult for me living in my country of origin, which is Cuba, because there is no such opportunity to undertake. Once I arrived in Portugal I began to investigate the same idea that I have always had and when they informed me that this project is very good but I needed to have land, something that is complicated for me because I do not have it, I am an emigrant, I am poor and I don't own that kind of property. But that there is a lot of land in Portugal that is not being used but is owned and many are for sale. It is for the reason I raise this fund to buy said land. Which at the same time would fulfill my other wish, which is to house stray dogs, which will be well cared for and fed and would be of great help to me. Thank you so much

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