
Ayuda a: cindy Denise



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cindy Denise

ID: 21444

Países: El Salvador

Situación Económica: 3

Trabajo Actual: Enfermera

Estudios: Universidad

Hi, I'm Cindy Castro, 37 years old. Intensive care nurse for 9 years. I married Rafael Peñate in 2019, we have a 2-year-old boy. In 2019 with my husband we decided to start a small car rental business. We made a large loan and bought 3 cars, in addition we loaned money to 3 people with which we would earn interest. Everything was going well until covid-19 came. And after that everything is worse. The rents are wrong. And there are clients who have not paid us. In addition, a client crashed a car. Another client due to the rains wet the engine and it melted. They have not paid us the money we gave on credit either. I have tried to solve everything. But I'm in debt. No place or person wants to give me another credit. My monthly salary is $1100. But for all the discounts I only have $250 left. I am very embarrassed. But I really need help. I don't know how to do anymore. I feel like I'm drowning. We wanted to have a business. To give our family a better future. And in the long run help others. But it couldn't. The truth is that I need a lot of money almost $75,000. But I really want you to help me with a job for my husband and me. In which we can pay our debts and be able to have a decent life. If it is in another country we are willing to go. We don't just want them to give us money every month. This is a great hope for me. I hope you can help us. I beg you. Thank you

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