
Help this heir: Lena



Help By Voting Heir


ID: 22791

Country: United States

Economic Status: 0

Actual Job:


I am a victim of domestic abuse. I am 28 years old. I can't find a stable job. Everytime I do, my family finds the way of sabbotagging it. And freelancing is hard enough for me to reach the end of the month. Everytime I get into a project, they cut the wifi and I have to use mobile data for anything. I can't make use of social media because they discover me each time with the router data or Google Lens and I have no privacy. My parents and my psychopath diagnosticed brother are abusive to me. They are violent. They punch me and choke me, break my things and don't leave me to mantain a reltionship with my friends. I can't escape. I want to escape. But I have no money or opportunities. I need a big sum of money so I can go out and see a friend who is far away and can help me. But nobody needs to know about this, because I plan to escape the house, leaving no clues.

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