
Help this heir: José james



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José james

ID: 24812

Country: Peru

Economic Status: 4

Actual Job: computer technician

Studies: technician

good day First of all, I thank you for taking the time to read my message. My name is: José James Delgado Coronado, from a small city in Peru, zip code 06701. I know that thinking about committing suicide is the only way to get out of accumulating debt. I've been in debt for 5 years for trying to get ahead, and now I don't know what to do, I've even come to think that the only way out of all this is to die, but then I remembered that there are still people who help to get out of these problems, If you give me your help, I promise to work very hard and pay you in some way, I hope God pours out all the blessings on your families, thank you.

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