ID: 25177
Country: Chile
Economic Status: 4
Actual Job:
Studies: A-lafken
Hello, hoping you are well, let me introduce myself. I am Matías Caicedo, son of a young pregnancy between my mother, a university student, and a Colombian migrant. When my mother became pregnant with me, she had to leave her home to live alone in a boarding house with my father. However, once I was born, my father fell into those vices that degrade people's souls. My mother, he had to take the responsibility of having me, returning to her home. However, to support ourselves financially, I had to study and work, so until I was 7 years old I was raised by my grandmother, who to this day suffers from fibromyalgia, hypertension, hypothyroidism, bornout syndrome, and shojren syndrome. Once my mother became independent, we went to live in the most central area of the city of Concepción. Since I was little I really liked reading, I learned to read at the age of 4 and I made a speech in kindergarten for a graduation to K-12 education or basic education when I was only 5 years old. Years passed, my mother got married and rebuilt her life. However, at the age of 13, I began to have strange behaviors, such as excessive hand washing and intrusive thoughts that did not leave me alone. As the months went by, my hands began to dry out, to the point of having sores. My mother took me to several psychologists throughout my life, mainly because of my lack of a father figure. However, it wasn't until that year that I was diagnosed with severe OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Later, at the age of 14, I had a very strong decompensation, which showed that my mental health was quite damaged. I was diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Both events occurred a year before the quarantine, so when it began my mental health did not allow me to complete my school year, which forced me to do two school years in one within a virtual school. In 2021, we had to live with my grandmother again, we lived with her for a year and then we went to live in Santa Cruz, a small city in the O'Higgins region. Before that, my mother and stepfather were unemployed, and only my mother was able to get a job selling cosmetic products online, which is not very profitable and in turn does not provide financial stability. From the age of 12 I became very interested in current affairs, such as economics, politics, etc. At the age of 14 I became very interested in economics, and to this day I have read many books on economics, innovation and business. I have a deep-rooted conviction of creating a very innovative company that allows me to move forward towards solving social problems that occur in my country such as access to health, financial empowerment and independence, and the generation of income with social investments that They allow people to be independent and stand up by their own efforts, just like I want to do. My dream is to study at a very prestigious Chilean university that has a program to promote entrepreneurship among its students. This university is the Adolfo Ibañez University, which is the best private university in Chile, with liberal arts subjects and training that allows, in the last two years of the degree, to have a series of master's specializations. I want to study commercial engineering, since this career aligns with my entrepreneurial needs and has an employability rate of over 90%. However, the obstacles are quite big, my mother alone spends more than $200 a month on medication costs, because not all the medications I need for my diagnosis are available in the public health system. This is a lot considering that the other expenses such as electricity, water, rent and food spend more than $600 per month, which is a lot considering that practically his credit card does not allow him to go into more debt and that the total income of the house does not exceed the $550. Furthermore, an apartment rental in Santiago costs no less than $500, which makes it prohibitively expensive to go to the country's capital to study. Likewise, at 13 years old I had a little brother, who also has ASD, however, his ASD is more severe and requires treatment with a speech therapist, since he does not say a word despite being almost 5 years old. However, I do not want to give up, I want to look for all possible possibilities to support my family and above all, fulfill my final goal which is to leave a mark at the country level of empowering people so that there are fewer and fewer people who have to go through everything that I and others have had to go through in Chile. I need a $500 per month for 5 years