
Help this heir: Venecia Josefina



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Venecia Josefina

ID: 27177

Country: Dominican Republic

Economic Status: 1

Actual Job: Not active.

Studies: Finished.

My dear family and I have been through difficult times since my mother battled breast cancer. I remember that summer night in 2022 when we faced an attempted arson at our home and an attack that threatened our lives. Since then, our economic situation has been a constant struggle. My father, being the sole provider for the family, is also ill. After a false and heartbreaking abuse accusation, his health has deteriorated, especially his heart, deeply affected by stress and anguish. The medication costs are overwhelming, and unfortunately, there are days when we cannot afford to provide my father with the treatment he needs. Worry consumes us constantly. I love my family with all my heart, and seeing my father suffer so much after losing my mother to breast cancer is heartbreaking. That's why I turn to you, generous and compassionate hearts, in search of financial assistance. My goal is to start a small business that will allow us to generate additional income to support my father and my siblings. I dream of improving my family's quality of life, easing the burden on my father, and offering a more stable future for all of us. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to that goal. With your help, we can face the challenges that lie ahead and build a path to a better tomorrow. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for considering our situation and for any help you can provide. Together, we can make a significant difference in my family's life.

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