
Help this heir: ismael



Help By Voting Heir


ID: 27213

Country: Ecuador

Economic Status: 1

Actual Job: N/N

Studies: Secundaria

Hello everyone, My name is Ismael and I come from a low-income family in a small town in Latin America. Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed of studying abroad and expanding my horizons beyond what my surroundings can offer. But for someone like me, whose parents struggle day by day to make ends meet, this dream has been more of a distant wish than a realistic possibility. However, my determination and love for learning have never wavered. Despite financial difficulties and limitations, I have always strived to excel in school and make the most of every educational opportunity that has come my way. Now, I have the opportunity to study abroad thanks to a partial scholarship I have received from a prestigious university in Europe. This opportunity is like a ray of hope amidst the darkness, a chance that could change the course of my life and open doors to a future full of possibilities. But this is where I need your help. Although the scholarship covers part of the expenses, I still face the challenge of covering the remaining costs, including tuition fees, accommodation, health insurance, and other expenses related to living abroad. For someone like me, these costs are simply unattainable without external assistance. That's why I am launching this fundraising campaign. I'm not asking for a free handout, but a helping hand to help me achieve my dream and make it a reality. Every donation, no matter how small, means one step closer to realizing my dream of studying abroad and opening doors to a future full of opportunities. Your generosity will not only change my life, but it will also be an investment in the potential of someone who is willing to work hard and seize every opportunity that comes their way. I'm not just asking for help for myself, but also for my family and my community, who see in my education a hope for a better future for all of us. Please consider making a donation and being part of this story of hope and determination. Together, we can make the impossible possible and show that the dream of a quality education should not be limited by economic circumstances. Thank you for your support and for believing in me. With gratitude, Ismael

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