
Help this heir: nicolas rodriguez



Help By Voting Heir

nicolas rodriguez

ID: 28487

Country: Argentina

Economic Status: 1

Actual Job: Empleado

Studies: Secundario

Hello, good morning, afternoon, evening. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mauricio Rodriguez, I am 22 years old and I live in Argentina The reason why I am sending you this message is: yesterday they virtually stole money from me and I don't know what to do, I currently have a job that, unfortunately for me, doesn't have enough money to buy a bike on which it is easier for me to come to work and less Now that I have run out of money, I wanted to see if you are willing to donate some money to me, whatever would help me a lot. This is my cbu: 4530000800021624348224 Thanks for taking the trouble to read a little.

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