
Help this heir: ronald



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ID: 29255

Country: Colombia

Economic Status: 0

Actual Job: Casa

Studies: No

Hello, I'm Ronal Andres from Cali Colombia, I'm 34 years old together. My girlfriend Melissa, 32 years old, loves Him. Social service and in our country we serve. In different foundations, Ella in Techo Colombia and I in generating smiles, environmental cleaning, community pot work for Las. People. Give children on the street food, teach those who take care of it. Environment, take care of pets, but we don't have it. We have not been able to raise money for our foundation and we ask for your support. Do it and be able to help many people who really need it.We have experience because we already serve in foundations in our country but we want to do something beautiful She and I where nothing for time if not stable was where we help others and ourselves too for the better Our quality of economic life thank you Happy afternoon

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