
Help this heir: Sandra Estefany



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Sandra Estefany

ID: 29472

Country: Peru

Economic Status: 0

Actual Job: Informal

Studies: Secundaria completa

Hello muy name Is Sandra Estefany Yovera Sepulveda, I would like you to help me, I am in a really difficult situation, I am suffering from depression, I have already exhausted all possible options, my house burned down and I was left with absolutely nothing, I started to lend myself rent money and the The debt is becoming huge, my salary is not enough and if I don't pay, they are going to attack my life. Please, I sincerely ask you to help me. I have already asked my family and friends for help. It's the first time I've written to someone and I just ask daddy God that you read my message and can help me pay my debts and with my work paying you back, I really don't know what to do anymore, I can't work calmly and I'm just crying my eyes out. desperation, please, I beg you, can you help me, with my work I am giving back to you every month, please, I beg you. Approximately 1 month ago, I borrowed money to pay interest and when I went to the place, they tried to rape me. I called the police and my complaint was registered but they warned me not to continue with the process because they were going to harm my mother and me. There are many things that are happening to me in my life, I don't understand why if the only thing I have done is help at Christmas before the fire, I made a chocolate bar for the people of my district of Carquín. I am from Peru, Lima, Huaura, Caleta de Carquín. I can't support you financially but tell me what else I can help you with, the only thing I need right now is help, because I have been renting money with interest and now I owe a lot, I have been able to pay until last month but this April , I already ran out of money and I have to pay more than 4000 soles in interest alone. Please help me, I find myself going through a lot of needs and bad people want to take advantage of me. Please help me. God bless you and you can read me.

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