
Help this heir: Maria soledad



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Maria soledad

ID: 30060

Country: Chile

Economic Status: 2

Actual Job: No job

Studies: Tourism

Hello I'm the last of 3 sisters. My eldest pased away no 2008, my identical twin sister whent to heaven 2 years ago, along with my father and my newborn granddaugther. My mother my children and me, survived Pandemia selling whatever we could find at a fleemarket. But the dead of my soulmate afected me in a way I cannot describe.. For good and bad I have not being able to work full Time as I would like to. Tourism Is weak still after COVID. I'll find another job I'm sure, but night now we are living a dramatic situation. Thank God I was given the oportunity of a house, where my girls and mother are safe. But there was no room for me. I'm living in an apartment 15 kms away from them. The field of tourism provides for me, my cousins and their daugther. The beggining of slow season hit me hard and I haven't got enough to pay for rent, gas for cooking and food for us and our pets, my belowed cat also whent to wait for me by the rainbow bridge, but I still have 2 dogs and 3 more cats. I just need a hand to survive the winter because for health reasons I cannot work at the mountains for ski season. My cousin Solange Is invalid and the others are also looking for a job. Any amount of money is greatly welcome. I hope you feel it in your heart to give us a tiny push. God bless you all. Maria Soledad

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