
Help this heir: Janser Alberto



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Janser Alberto

ID: 5081

Country: Dominican Republic

Economic Status: 0

Actual Job: Lavador de auto

Studies: Secundario

Hello My name is Janser Mendez I live in Dominican Republic On a field. I come to apply for a small grant because I want to finish my accounting degree. Before losing my mothers at the age of 17, I led a normal life, my studies 100%. But when I lost my mothers, the economic situation became increasingly difficult. Not even to buy a pen with it, I had to drop my studies and get a job. Then I entered to finish high school and then I entered the UASD, it lasted a couple of semesters, then I retired. Because you couldn't bear the costs, and I use them that I continue with, I don't have free time to enter the university. I would like to have a little help to finish my study, thank you very much for having people with a good heart like you? Just in case I leave my account number, BanReservas 9604497986

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