
Help this heir: Gilberto ramón



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Gilberto ramón

ID: 7144

Country: Paraguay

Economic Status: 0

Actual Job: digital market

Studies: University

I am a Paraguayan man with 50 years of age, I have no children or wife, I was about to get married but unfortunately in an accident my girlfriend died and I was left without hope, then I had an accident and I fractured the entire right side, my legs, rib, arms and shoulder, I stayed in therapy for 1 year so I lost my job even and to top it off with the issue of the pandemic I had no opportunity of going back to work so I had to get into digital marketing platforms In order to survive, today I continue to do the same and when there is some work as plumbers or electricity I can work, luckily that gives me to live and eat, although I do not have luxuries such as air conditioning or self-support the high temperatures of my country and I continue with the hope of a better life, thank you very much for your time.

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