
Help this heir: Ricardo Alfredo



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Ricardo Alfredo

ID: 9347

Country: Venezuela

Economic Status: 4

Actual Job: Comerciante en productos de limpieza

Studies: Técnico Superior en Seguros

Hello, how difficult is it to live more than 90% of your life in the position of a productive, fruitful person.Although one of my favorite books is Who Took My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, I didn't take immediate action when I saw the changes that were coming. In the last few years, the world has changed, and changed so drastically that the world is no longer as we once knew it. Every day I wake up ready to start a new day, go to work and research, write, publish stories that hardly anyone cares about but that allow me to leave a part of history, a legacy, something that allows me to leave a testament to the history that came before. Today I wrote articles on the Patreon page (Ricardo_Alfredo_411) that you can access for free and read the meanings I find for some words, I also recently opened a page on ClickASnap as Ricardo_Alfredo to share all the photos, that make up the photographic era of the family before the digital era, to publish and store them digitally (I'm just starting) and so on, making an effort to save things of value and avoid them becoming things that have a price to have to sell them and get rid of the history. (Of course, I don't want to turn my house into a museum, though I'd love to, but I don't have the space) Last night I saw the ad on Instagram, and today, the 25th. December, I'm applying because for many people who don't live in Venezuela, much less in Latin America, it's hard to believe that in countries so rich, every day more people try to survive and move away from a quality of life they've worked for many years, even though they're in a certain economic situation that doesn't necessarily mean poverty, but is close to it. Although we work and live on our daily income, we are always on the edge of subsistence, and when we feel the need to help people or institutions close to us, for whatever reason, we find ourselves forced to limit that help, for the very reasons we are talking about here. We often limit ourselves to a retweet or a like on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook to massage the request for help that is sometimes out of our reach. There are many ways you can help, not just with money, because by accessing my Patreon page or ClickASnap can help without large contributions and help in general, so that our environment can be active and useful. I do everything possible to avoid being a digital beggar, I come from the private sector and I want to leave this world productive. To you who have come here. Thank you very much

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