Hello I hope you are well...
Me and my family who have been left without a livelihood of any kind, we are going through a precarious economic situation, together with my children we have been evicted from our house for lack of payment, I am a single mother of 2 minor children.
I do not want to go into more detail since my intention is not to pity you, but rather to ask you to please give me financial help, I know it is not your obligation but I know that you have a social aid program.
With that help I intend to make a business that can support me and my children.
With what you can and others contribute, together they will make my children have sustenance and a home.
I ask you for help with what you can, even if it is small, your gesture counts and it is something that I will really appreciate.
Brotherhood can be shown in difficult times, that time has come for you to support a friend financially and say "I am with you".
Difficult moments always knock on the door, however difficult it may seem, I ask you to help me financially to recover my strength.
We count on your financial help and even if it is little we are sure you contribute a lot.
My children and I will thank you.