
Stories List in Argentina

Estoy buscando ayuda para poder hacer una inversión y poder mudarme



ID: 26810 - Argentina


Hola en en el 2021 quede en coma por 3 meses por un ataque asmático después del alta quede con una polineuropatía tengo 5 hijos menores y mi marido tuvo que dejar su trabajo para cuidar de nosotros en su página cuenta toda la historia

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ID: 26984 - Argentina


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ID: 22933 - Argentina


Hola a todos, mi nombre es Germán, soy empleado de seguridad privada y estoy en la necesidad de realizarme una cirugía dental para mejorar mi calidad de vida. A raíz de varios problemas de salud en mi infancia y adolescencia e perdido gran parte de mi dentadura y para recomponerla y no solo mejorar mi aspecto y mi autoestima sino también mi capacidad de comer alimentos sólidos necesito someterme a un tratamiento odontológico por una año que consta de varias cirugías con un costo de 2.000 dólares. A pesar de tener trabajo mi sueldo no supera los 150 dólares mensuales, haciendo imposible que pueda recaudar el dinero. Les agradezco mucho por tomarse el tiempo de leer mi situación y les deseo mucha suerte a todos.

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ID: 21304 - Argentina


Resume: I started my ballet studies at the age of 4, at 8 I entered the Instituto Superior de Arte del Teatro Colón (Superior Art Institute), where I acquired technical knowledge from the hand of the best teachers such as Rina Valverde, Andrea Bengochea, Stella M. Saladino, Mabel Silvera, Ana Rosenthal, Mario Galizzi, Igor Gopkalo, Tatiana Fesenko, among others, always with solid training in classical ballet but also in other rhythms and techniques (modern, Spanish, folklore). I also attended regularly from an early age and throughout my training until today, to the most prestigious institutes taking classes with Lidia Segni, Silvia Bazilis, Verónica Idígoras, Katty Gallo, Olga Ferri, Héctor Barriles, Ricardo Rivas, Gabriela Pucci, Nela Frexas, José Luis Lozano, Daniel Negroni, etc. I gained experience working for the Stable Ballet of the Teatro Colón (Annual exhibitions of the I.S.A.T.C., functions of the Stable Ballet in "Don Quixote" by the prestigious choreographer Zarko Prebil, and "Nutcracker" with revival by Aleth Francillon), the Teatro General San Martín (Work "Trois Générations" by the French choreographer Jean-Claude Gallotta, together with the Contemporary Ballet of the Teatro San Martín). I have also participated in various exhibitions of private academies since I was 6 years old and especially in works of classical repertoire, which gave me the possibility of being distinguished in national competitions with gold and silver medals in choreographic variations in free classical, repertoire, neoclassical and contemporary. In 2017 I studied Contemporary Dance at the Instituto Arte XXI. In 2018, I participated in the company "Dov'è la bussola?" (Ballet of the Lyric Company) with the aim of acquiring scenic experience, as I continued to perfect myself taking various classes of ballet and pointe technique, contemporary,body training, tap, jazz and acrobatics. Winner of half a scholarship for the Barcelona Dance Center, and full scholarship for the career of Interpreter in Dance and Musical Comedy at the Art and Dance Foundation "El Centro". Member of the company "Ballet con Humor", along with former members of the Stable Ballet of the Teatro Colón and the Teatro Argentino de La Plata. Current student of Audiovisual Arts with orientation in Production at the UNA (National University of Arts). Recently winner of a 100% schoIarship in the Summer Intensive of the San Diego Ballet. I also work as a dance teacher in private studios, and making my own film-ballet productions. 🏳️‍⚧️🎥 My goal is to continue growing as a dancer and producer, fighting against the rules of selectivity by stable companies by biotype, age, height, gender, and although it is perhaps ambitious from that perspective to pretend a job, I believe that my gender identity or my height should not be an impediment to aspire to an opportunity to demonstrate my performance; I'm 1.60 mts height, and I'm a transgender man. I must also mention that I find it rewarding to learn to dance practically again: in 2017 I had my chest operation (mastectomy) while I was in the contemporary career, and in February 2021 I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, so after a hard time of important physical, emotional changes, and also going through the restrictions of the pandemic, I managed to resume the activity again in a professional way and simply following the dream of one day exert in what I always loved and trained for. That's why I created "Double Role Ballet": Dancers united for inclusion, where together with a cast of profesional dancers with extensive experience in different renowned institutions such as the Teatro Colón, Teatro San Martín, Fundación Julio Bocca, etc., we come together to give to know our work, and make visible the always current problem of inclusion in classical dance. 🏳️‍⚧️🩰🎬

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ID: 22901 - Argentina


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ID: 21026 - Argentina


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karen vazquez

ID: 26101 - Argentina


Soy mamá soltera, no recibo ayuda de nadie , alquilo casa y ya estoy adeudando la paga , trabajo por hora . Pero debido a la crisis del país el poco dinero que ingresa no alcanza . Necesito ayuda económica urgente a cambio ofrezco trabajo remoto .

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Maria José

ID: 23544 - Argentina


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ID: 20942 - Argentina


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ariel juarez

ID: 8382 - Argentina


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ID: 16432 - Argentina


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ID: 3097 - Argentina


Hello, my name is J, my story is quite common I suppose but I would like to summarize it quite briefly, basically I am going to lose my left eye... or, little by little I am losing it. It all started when I was a child due to a genetic defect in which I developed myopia, the problem is that it was only in one eye and this is known as "amblyopia" where the dominant eye is the one that is in charge of practically everything, so at the age of 5/6 years old, in vision tests I never realized that I couldn't see well with one eye. The problem with this is that the brain "deactivates" the bad eye and loses visual acuity. And yes, it was basically malpractice on the part of my pediatrician when I was a child... when I was a teenager, someone else saw me and immediately discovered this, prescribed me glasses and that's where the problem seems to go. The thing is that everything was going "well" but the brain continued to prioritize the vision of the good eye, so it saw increasingly "darker" on the left side. This is so serious that apparently it affected my left ear since the doctor explained to me that it is normal for hearing acuity to be lost due to this. Concerned about going blind (And deaf.) I went to several doctors and they prescribed the typical eye patch, but it didn't really work for me. I work as a delivery driver, so it affects me enormously if I lose my sight, basically I won't be able to work anymore. That's why I'm asking for money (I still work, since I still see depth well with glasses and so on, the doctor checked it.) so I can earn some money (150 dollars a month.) And save some of that (30/40 dollars.) but the motorcycle entails expenses, so it is difficult. And the worst thing is that I had an accident on the motorcycle working in which, in addition to dislocating a finger (that's nothing, although again I didn't realize it so it "healed itself."), I was left with a chronic pain in the lower back due to an apparent "small loss of fluid from the spinal discs" and on top of that it was the last straw that caused me to start developing retinal detachment in my bad eye... and more and more "white flashes" appear "in vision, which is basically the detached retina moving. I am not someone who is very sensitive, all my life I have forged a somewhat introverted and solitary character, but even so, I am really afraid of what could happen if I can't pay for the treatment, which is a horrible operation where they puncture your eye and They inject oil to then "glue" the retina with a laser, and the other for amblyopia is a stimulation technique using electrodes to "activate" and force adaptation, which apparently gives good results but is not even available in my country... so you would have to travel and it is extremely expensive. That is why I am asking for some voluntary donation, of any amount since I myself did not earn much despite working every day, so any "tip" is a caress to the heart... obviously if you consider that to be the case. fair. Since there are hundreds of people here with even sadder stories, but I'm already desperate, everything hurts, I have no courage and I don't know what to do, and somehow I'm alone in this fight that may end... badly... Thank you for reading

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ID: 25516 - Argentina


Hi, I'm cintia, I just run away from my house,I was depressed for the way i was treated because of my parents, I couldn't handle being treated so bad. Now I'm living with other people, friends who gave me help. But being still in school makes it difficult to fund a job, so I'm trying to seek help here, to make enough money to find a place for myself. Thank you

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ID: 29174 - Argentina


Hola cómo están a todos Espero estén bien les cuento un poco de mi vida tengo 53 años vivía solo con mi hijo de 24 años él falleció la noche de año nuevo de un infarto me agarró en un momento sin dinero pedí mucha plata prestado y la tengo que devolver y realmente no tengo forma de recaudar para poder devolver Necesito ayuda desesperadamente con lo que puedan desde ya Muchas gracias

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oneide katiz

ID: 28891 - Argentina


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Emanuel jose

ID: 23523 - Argentina


I live in Argentina and I can't find work, I can't return to my parents' house and I don't have friends or family who support me or are close to me. I have many cats that I would not want to leave on the street or give up for adoption for anything in the world. I'm doing everything I can to earn money and get a stable job to support my rent, my expenses, and my cats. I'm very sorry to do this, I know there are people in worse situations but where I live the jobs are for people up to 25 years old and I'm already 26, it's difficult to even have that status of employers and I don't know what to do. I need the money to get ahead, continue submitting resumes and travel to look for work, eat and be able to continue day to day. Sorry and thank you!

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ID: 27547 - Argentina


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jonathan vargas

ID: 23749 - Argentina


Soy una madre soltera de 43 años, con una hijas d 13 años de edad, en Argentina esta pasando una situacion economica bastante complicada, si bien tengo uningreso, uqe llega al salario minimo vital y movil, siempre buscando otro trabajo, otro ingreso y en esa busqueda te encntras personas que juegan con las ganas de crecer de uno y te estafan. Tenemos una vivvienda muy pequeña y la idea e spoder agrandarla para que mi hija tenga su habitacion, busco otro trabajo mejor pagado, para poder afrontar todos los gastos que debemos afronar dia a dia, estar pendiente de uqe no falte nada, sumado a que tengo diabetes tipo 1, ojala esto sirva para conseguir un mejor trabajo y tambien poder ayudar a alquien mas si me es posible, muchas gracias!

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ID: 28316 - Argentina


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ID: 3164 - Argentina