
Stories List in Romania

Necesito 10 mil euro



ID: 26308 - Romania


Hola . Mi jente yo soy un hombre del trabajo y de lealtad a mi familia trabaje muchos años en la construccion desde los 16 asta haora que tengo 30 pero en dia del 13 de noviembre del 2022 por la mañana no me pude levantar de la cama por un dolor fuerte de espalda y me quede sin trabajo en pleno invierno los poco haoros que teniamos lo gastamos en mi tratamiento alquiler y comida yo solo pido que me ayudeis a sobrevivir un par de meses asta que pueda volver a mi trabajo . Gracias a todos

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silviu ionut alin

ID: 20655 - Romania


Am 2 copii si au asistat la moartea bunicii lor in timp ce io cu tatal lor eram l a munca in anglia am venit de urgenta acasa in romania pt inmormantare si acum nu avem din ce trai nu imi pot face buletin ca sa ma angajez deoarece nu avem act de propriete nu avem din ce trai si copiilor le trebuie pachet la scoala sunt in clasa intai casa este in foarte rele conditii cand ploua se uda in casa

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simona cotea

ID: 12571 - Romania


No story



ID: 24091 - Romania


My family and I recently moved to another country out of necessity. We started to build a house to live in, but we need money to be able to finish it, since we don't have enough money. We appreciate any donation.



ID: 21210 - Romania


I am at my lowest point, in a long long time haven't felt like that, I struggle with depression over 1 a year now, all this week didn't had 1 euro to buy food, I ask lots of friends to 10 euros to buy food,no one cares. This morning I woke up so tired of this life, thinking to end this struggle, this life. I have no real friends to receive real help, no one cares, I went to a bakery last night to ask for a single bread but I didn't enter, I was ashamed. I am hungry, I want to go to a super market to steal little food, some sausages, I cannot believe I am like this. I am not an addict off any kind, drugs or alcohol, I don't play any kind of casino games... I am just a regular person, fighting a huge depression. I don't want to see anyone, I don't want to leave my house, I lost my job, I didn't payed the rent, I don't have money to buy a single bread. I don't ask for anything rather than few euros...

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ID: 23929 - Romania


No story



ID: 26861 - Romania


No story



ID: 27824 - Romania