
Stories List in El Salvador

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ID: 9647 - El Salvador


My son, who is an English teacher, has helped me to write all of the story as follows:I have several illnesses. My childhood was a very hard one. My father left when I was 4 and I was neglected since those early years. I suffered with anxiety and other fears. I had to wear second-hand clothing, barefooted until the age of 12 and skipped many meals due to my poverty. I walked long distances barefooted and carrying heavy bundles of log for a living. I spent a year in a neighbouring area, going through financial hardships. I had the opportunity of attending high school, but I did not finish school because of my anxiety disorder. The only treatment I had access to, in a temporary way, was electroconvulsive therapy; which was administered by a german psychiatrist who had come to El Salvador and who offered himself to help. Unfortunately, the therapy did not yield the exptected results and it as probably because the doctor had to leave the country. I had the opportunity of working in the U.S back in the 1970s for seven years, from 1975 to 1982. I had to return to El Salvador because of my wife's health and also because I took a heavy fall from a ladder while working as a painter in the U.S back in 1976, and unfortunately I did not get any compensation for my accident. Despite my accident, I had to continue working in the U.S until 1982. In 1987, I started my own business with a small mobile discoteque, my siblings in the U.S sent me the money to start this business back in those days. I worked for 30 years in this business to raise and provide education to my children. This work was difficult, because we had to carry heavy loudspeakers and iron frameworks for the parties, we had to wake up quite early and go to bed at 3 a.m. It was also a dangerous job because of criminality and especially the salvadoran civil war which had broken out in 1979 and ended in 1992 ; that also implied working in the rural areas. In the year 2000, I had to sell most of my discoteque equipment (lights, iron frameworks, loud speakers, power amplifiers and other stuff) due to extortions in my country and now, I have got almost nothing left except for a couple of speakers and turntables because I sold the rest at a very cheap price. Three years later, back in 2003, I started selling CDs in the streets for 10 years as well as newspapers and since 2013 I've been recycling cans for a living. In order for me to earn $USD 100, I must walk the streets picking up cans for almost five months and I have to walk aproximately 6 hours, three times a week, in total , 18 hours, which has made me loose weight because of the hot weather and the long distances I must walk. I have taken several heavy falls because of my dizziness and other illnesses and I easily get disoriented, but I am struggling to get two hearing aids to alleviate my deafness problems. I am 79 years old. I've got seven ruptured disks in my spine and renal problems. My prostate is in poor conditions and that means urinaty problems as well. I also suffer with arthritis and gastrointestinal problems. It is quite difficult for me to eat because I don't have all of my teeth any longer. I am severely handicapped with deafness and I get easily dizzy because of my inability to hear anything at all. My children help me with food, otherwise I could not survive, since I earn $1.20 daily . I hope you can help me. Thank you so much beforehand for your valuable time.

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ID: 16516 - El Salvador


Mi nombre es Rodrigo José parada Rodriguez, tengo 22 años de edad, mis necesidades son pagar deudas acumuladas, por falta de recursos en mi familia, solo somos mi mamá de 44 años de edad, su nombre es Astrid Yesenia Rodriguez osegueda, y mi hermano de 3 años con un par de meses, actualmente me quede sin trabajo, y necesito ayuda para poder salir de mis deudas, y poder darle un buen futuro a las dos personas que conforman mi familia

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ID: 26731 - El Salvador


Buenas tardes disculpen la molestia pero yo quisiera que me ayudarán para poder tener un hogar estable donde vivir quisiera algún día poder llegar a tener una casita pequeña


claudia Yaneth

ID: 24076 - El Salvador


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ID: 14448 - El Salvador


Necesito Fondos para realizar Inversiones en El Salvador, Centroamérica


Rubén Eduardo

ID: 3677 - El Salvador


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ID: 14357 - El Salvador


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ID: 22891 - El Salvador


Muy buenas tardes mi nombre es Edgar Vladimir Ayala Reyes soy de El Salvador y pues en mi familiar somos de escasos recursos , con pequeñitas ventas vamos sobreviviendo día a día , nosotros vivimos en una casita de lámina y madera , no tenemos trabajo , necesitamos de muchas cosas , como alimentos, techo, dinero para poder pagar unas cosas que nos hacen de muy útil. Si hubiera alguna persona de buen corazón que pudiese ayudarnos en el nombre de Dios se lo agradeceríamos muchísimo Dios bendiga a todo el mundo .

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ID: 12257 - El Salvador


Hola necesito dinero por favor si pues me he quedado sin dinero pues tengo meses de estar desempleado y no encuentro trabajo necesito ayuda pues para mi familia aunque sea para ellos



ID: 7647 - El Salvador


Hola busco ayuda economica para poder realizar mis estudios universitarios y para ver si alguien puede ayudarme para arreglarme mis dientes ya que no e podido costiar los gastos de reparacion por que en mi pais no gano mucho $330 dolares por mes. Tambien he sufrido un accidente de transito que me dejo una cicatriz y deformado los parpados del ojo izquierdo.

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Franklin alexander

ID: 22278 - El Salvador


Soy una mujer de 41 años y tengo 2 hijos adolescentes que están a mi cargo, mi sueño es que ellos puedan terminar sus estudios y hacer sus sueños realidad con una casa propia y tener mi negocio propio o mudarme de país con ellos para que vivan una vida mejor

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ID: 8322 - El Salvador


Hola soy una señora de 58 años trabajo de lavar y planchar pero asé poco mi hijo tubo un accidente me lo aventó una moto y el necesita operación para construirle todo porque tiene muchos daños en el brazo no lo puede mover el amputaron un dedo y su piel está partido en dos y con lo que yo gano no me alcanza para pagar sus medicinas y su operación ayúdenme porfavor tengo que pagar en total $12 mil por todo y yo no puedo

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Morena Guadalupe

ID: 30201 - El Salvador


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ID: 14697 - El Salvador


I have a Job and i live with my salary buth for illness of my kids i got some debts



ID: 20210 - El Salvador


I am trying to continue with my studies but my family can not support the fees and the anual cost but I am still looking for options to continue studying


katherine galdamez

ID: 12775 - El Salvador


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María Salvadora

ID: 8799 - El Salvador


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Starlin Adalberto

ID: 3243 - El Salvador


Quiero recaudar dinero para ayudar a jóvenes de escasos recursos que estudian la Universidad.


José Ismael

ID: 19821 - El Salvador


Pues la nececida que tengo es comprar la casa donde vivo con mis padres y también me gustaría pagar las deudas que tengo tengo pendiente en los bancos


Santos Eugenio

ID: 2367 - El Salvador